Saturday, July 28, 2007

Getting Into Dodge

Well, we made it to Dodge City. I won't spend a lot of time on this post, because Jeanette wants to get to her email still and it's late.

We have had two great days of travel. We've gone a little over 1000 miles so far, I think. The notes are in the van. So far we've had van trouble (air conditioning didn't blow through the vents) and camper trouble (stop at the end of one bunk broke). The AC problem we got fixed before we left Coopersville, our regular garage fixed a vacuum line and didn't charge us anything. The bunk problem I sort of fixed tonight after a trip to Wal Mart for screws.

It has been hot, as high as 101 today. The scenery has been increcible. Eastern Kansas on I-70 is very hilly, but the last 100 miles after we left the interstate were flat as a pancake.

As I write this it's a little after 11, and nice and cool. The campground we're at is nice, with grassy sites and a nice lake next to our camper. We'll be touring Dodge City tomorrow, and we'll try to upload some pictures tomorrow night.

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